Friday, December 26, 2008

Needed: Cure for media first

They say media reflects society, may be that's why every ill in society finds its voice in media. The ease with which we all get carried away for a breaking story or revenue targets is appaling. HIV/AIDS is one subject where utmost care is essential. Many of us may balk at the exorbiant fund being spent on the issue while other serious ailments like cancer or malaria get ignored. but the fact remains that HIV/AIDS has wider social implications be it rehabilitation of widows and orphans or inaccessible medical treatment, rejection by community or rights of gays and sex workers.
Then there are many fakes including soothsayers who promise perfect cure taking those living with HIV/AIDS for a ride.
Coming back to my point isn't it media's duty to not only report any discrimination but also check if its own powers are being misutilised. Here's an advertisement which appeared in one of the frontrunner newspapers of the country- Hindustan Times proclaiming cure for AIDS. You can check it out at this link 'Article/Photograph <>or turn to page 9 of HT (December 21). I know there is minimal link between editorial and advertising sections of a newspaper, which results in such difference of opinion.Having said that I believe there is greater need for a media company to ensure that all their staff members are aware of what is unacceptable. Newspaper builds its credibility to woo readers who in turn get advertisers. It cannot wash off his hands from the content by claiming that the responsibility lies with the advertiser. The harm has been done, but we need to ensure it's not repeated.

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